Hands down, that is the dumbest question in the world...possibly the universe.  The answer is "YES".  No matter what level/type/style dancer you are, the answer is "YES".

A few months ago I was at one of my very favorite southern studios in my favorite southern city teaching some of my favorite southern dancers.  After class two very talented senior dancers and I were chit chatting about things and I asked "are you going to continue to dance when you graduate?"  The response still haunts me-

"I don't know, I don't think I am good enough"

I was completely thrown off and heartbroken that these 2 amazing humans with so much to put into the dance world were holding themselves back because they didn't think they were "good enough".  Good enough for what?  

Listen up dancers because what I am about to say is very important and needs to be repeated-

There is a place in this world for everyone's talent.  

One audition doesn't define you, the fact that you didn't get accepted into a program you wanted doesn't matter, not getting the top highest score possible at competition isn't a big deal, and just because you didn't have the resources to dance with/from the the best of the best is not important.  If you have the passion and want to dance then there is a place for you.

It is all about finding out where your place is.  The thing is, auditions and competitions are all about opinions.  You do not have control over the opinion but you do have control over doing your best and training to be at YOUR best.  Just because you didn't get the part or place you wanted only means you were not the fit for that right now at that particular place.  

Dancers, if dancing is your dream, then follow your dream.  You  might have to readjust your path a little to find where your talent fits in but don't get discouraged when you hit a little rejection...it wasn't your place.

I repeat "There is a place in this world for everyone's talent".  You just have to find that place.  You are good enough when you are doing the best YOU can.  Train your body, focus on your technique, and keep being the best YOU possible.  Learn as much as you can from the rejections to help you find the redirection and you will find your place and live your dance dream.  

Need help or guidance on where to go next in your #dancelife?  I would love to help.  Use the contact me page on my website.

Take care of YOU, dancers!