Well it's officially Competition Season 2017 so time to tackle some of my judge's critiques that I feel like I say on repeat solo after solo, dance after dance...
Let's start with arms. Once I overheard a dancer at a studio say, "why do we need to do pushups we don't need strong arms to dance". (gasp in disbelief and shock but yes I really did hear this) Upper body strength is oh so important I don't know even know where to start...
Actually I do know where to start...arms in First Position and Second position and a little something called SCAPULAR STABILITY. In other words, you gotta have strong shoulder blades in order to have strong arms. YOU HAVE TO HAVE A FOUNDATION! When you are able to use your arms from your back you will become a stronger dancer and will improve your lines, port de bras, and control. Not having this connection will result in drooping elbows (aka chicken wing arms), a weaker port de bras, and less overall control in their upper body.
OK let's get to work...there are many exercises you can do to strengthen your arms and back. My favorite one uses a resistance band (like a TheraBand) of about medium resistence. The dancer holds each end of the band about 6in from the end in between their thumb and first finger. Make sure the band is underneath their shoulder blades and elbows are ON TOP of the band. Once the band is in place you can pretty much do any type of arm sequence moving from First to Second position. For advance dancers, use the band for an entire floor barre or across the floor. For improving turns, use the band while working on turn preparations or when doing across the floor turn combinations. Any work done with First and Second position arms.
Check out my (very low budget but informative :)) tutorial video below! A few things to remember-keep elbows lifted and always keep resistance in the band to prevent the dancers from opening up their arms too much, the idea is to maintain stability in rib cage and back so slower movement when working with full range movement.
Can't wait to see improved arms in 1st and 2nd this competition season! Questions? Email me at lizborom@gmail.com.
Take care of YOU, dancers!